Plate of sushi - Supple Mama

2024 Out Here in Real Life

It’s 2024! Can you believe it? It feels like it’s going to be an interesting year, but I have learned to make no predictions because the universe plays no games when you run your mouth. What I will do is set resolutions regarding my health, my fitness, and my diet.

My Diet

Featured photo is of a plate of sushi I absolutely destroyed. Sometime last December. I don’t eat sushi often and I’m a bit of a sushi snob, but occassionally I will get some grocery store sushi. This particular batch was from my local Giant Eagle, and whoever makes it there is a real one because it was very good. Anyway, as we all know you cannot exercise away eating too much, so this sort of caloric intake will be a once-a-month thing in 2024. I started off this year with grand ideas of an extremely strict diet, but I have to be real with myself, and allow myself the grace and fluidity to eat wild a few times a year. I can eat well most of the time so I think once a month is fine. This may or may not coincide with my period, but as I am still very much menstrual it most likely will.

My Health & My Fitness

I have a few health conditions I have to take care of and be mindful of, and all are exacerbated by being overweight. Also I feel so much better overall when I exercise regularly. Weight and fitness go hand-in-hand with health, I have experienced this over and over again. I can’t help it that i was born with a wonky heart, for example, but I can help overeating and being slothful. I must up my game when it comes to fitness in order to be as healthy as I can be. There is no other way, there is no pill I can take can do for me what fitness does for me. My biggest hurdle with fitness is that I am inherently a lazy person so struggle with maintaining a fitness routine. I am also persistent in meeting my goals, full-stop. Eventually this quality meets, outpaces, and eclipses my laziness. Ha! So I’m out here in 2024. Walking, biking, yoga, strength training, it’s on.