Sweet & sour chicken Supple Mama 2023
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I Can Have Sweet & Sour Sauce!

I haven’t had ‘chinese’ food in 2 years. I’ve been on what I call ‘the old man heart attack diet’ since my major heart issue in 2021. The first year I really struggled but having had to go to the hospital twice this year I’ve been sticking to it. I mostly cook from scratch because that’s the easiest way to control my salt intake, as I can only have 5% salt per serving. One day out of frustration I went looking through all our sauces and stuff in the cabinet, lo and behold the sweet & sour sauce is only 3% sodium! Cubed up some chicken, roasted it, cut up some onion and bell peppers, threw in some garlic and mushrooms, then sautéed it all in the sauce. Had it over a bed of rice and spinach! The joy I felt at this meal, you guys just don’t know.